How to get ranked quickly on search engines 

This is what some guy did to get ranked on search engines. It’s not my own method, but it’ll give you another perspective:

Step 0
  • Build micro-niche site, fully loaded with usual SEO work.
Step 1
  • Submitted site to google.
  • Submitted site to yahoo
  • Submitted site to live/msn.
Step 2
  • Added sitemap and monitored on google webmaster tools.
  • Same for Yahoo.
Step 3
  • Planted Yahoo Answers Question, waited 24 hrs, submitted answer, waited 6 hours, accepted my answer as the best. (via proxy obviously).
  • Planted Link that was a good match on Wikipedia.
Step 4
  • Paid someone to submit to 200 directories.
  • Paid someone for links for 1 month on “ranked” blogs.
Step 5
  • Hit 4 video sides, with videos that had our URL embedded.
This was over the course of 1 week. By the end of the week, we ranked no.3 for a generic “buy XXX” and no.1 for specific “buy XXX XXX”. As well as other terms.

After step #2, I had Google, msn and yahoo visit the site a few times and start indexing. Still didn’t rank for anything.
By Step #3, which was day 3, we ranked in Yahoo for our terms (above the original merchant). This was almost immediately after the Yahoo Answer went live (accepted best answer).

Nothing in Google at this point, even though the Wikipedia page we planted our link on ranked for said terms. 

We get to day 5 and I noticed one of our fluff pages is ranked in Google (and nothing else is, found by searching for, I place a link to our main squeeze page with appropriate anchor text and boom, 3 hours later, we rank between #1 and #7 for a variety of related terms in Google.

After carefully monitoring all backlinks and traffic, I discovered none of the blogs ranked when searching for our domain, and only 3 directories out of 200 ranked when searching for our URL.

After 2 weeks, none of the directories have the links and none of the blogs or at least any that are index by Google.

We still get traffic from Wikipedia links and our rank is currently solid in google as is our rank in Yahoo. we are nowhere to be seen. The video sites give us solid backlinks for the content.

Moral of this story, don’t pay for services you don’t really need for ranking and make sure your site is properly interlinked without being too spammy.
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