Keyword Optimization Tips

To get into the top of the SERP’s, We need keywords for targeting.

So here is my short article about Choosing Keywords, Identify Phrases used by similar web sites, Good keyword Tool, What to do after choosing the keywords..

Lets start..

1) Choosing the Keywords

Choosing keywords is the main or one of the main activity when implementing a search engines placement strategy. Getting #1 on the SERP’s for a keyword which is barely used is useless, While a 2nd Page for a hugely used or popular keyword is really good.

You can ask your colleagues, friends, classmates, business friends and Internet friends that what keywords this use in the Search Engines in your Business Niche and what keywords they expect of your site in the Search Engines.

Collect this list into a master list on a spreadsheet, for use later in WordTracker Tool..

2) Identify Phrases used by similar web sites

Do one thing, Enter the keywords which you are targeting in the Search Engines, You might find similar sites like yours, Just visit them and view their websites “Page Source” and identify the Meta Keywords Tag. The keywords might be appropriate for your Website. Add all these keywords to your master list.

3) Keyword Tool

A good keyword tool is WordTracker which does the work of finding similar sites and extracting out the meta keywords from it and sorting them out for you.

4) Final Process

Once you have the list of keywords ready for your website, We probably want to pick the best of it. We will use 3 indicators which combine and give the best phrases to target which consists of checking of each phrases for
  • Phrase popularity which is seen on GoTo Keyword Tool which will show you the prior months keywords and phrases
  • competitiveness of the phrases using the number of pages targeting AltaVista.
  • Value of the Phrases in the market at #1 position in GoTo which is a PPC Search Engine.
Then we combine the keywords which give us the best results, The ideal phrase is that which is used a lot but it has a little competition and has a lot click cost.

Condensing the keywords into 10-12 phrases which sum up the business and give you the best of the best keywords to boost up your Business.
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